
Beautiful China Performances and Temple Fair 美丽中国表演和北京耀中庙会

Today was the final day of school at the Yew Chung International School of Beijing and second last day in the Lunar Calendar before we bid farewell to the Year of the Pig and usher in the Year of the Rat. Our campus has been buzzing with activities since Monday with our Early Childhood Education (ECE) learners taking the stage in our school’s longstanding tradition of holiday concerts, where students perform songs and dances in celebration of the Spring Festival, one of China’s biggest holidays.


Photos from the ECE Happy China Performances.


On the same day, two of our Primary School students also took part in an off-campus activity where they had the opportunity to perform and showcase their musical pieces to members of our Balizhuang Community which saw them share the stage with ethnic minority groups of the community, dragon dancers and Peking opera singing groups, amongst many other invited guests.


Year 6 student, Chan Hok Sum performed “Blackbird” by the legendary British group, The Beatles and Year 5 Wu Ziyue performed a piece on the violin. Both acts left our fellow community members impressed and were the perfect addition to the community’s Chinese New Year celebrations. 

六年级学生Chan Hok Sum表演了由英国传奇乐队披头士创作的《黑鸟》,五年级学生Wu Ziyue表演了小提琴作品。这两项活动都令社区居民印象深刻,为社区庆祝中国新年增添了完美的一笔。

On Wednesday, the Primary Beautiful China Performances and Temple Fair took place after weeks of preparations led by our Chinese teachers, Performing Arts Department as well as class tutors. Students clad in their best Chinese traditional outfits poured their hearts into the performances and enjoyed the stalls at the fair co-organised and run by Secondary School students.


The Primary School Beautiful China Performances were entertaining and, at the same time, educational. Our students proudly showed their audiences what they have learned about Chinese Culture. Some performances incorporated elements of what students learned during their Chinese Studies lessons which topic was “Tradition & Culture”. The titles of the performances were as follows:


Year 5A – The Beijing Opera 中国京剧

Year 3B – Chinese Calligraphy 书法

Year 5B - Shadow Puppet Play 皮影戏

Year 6B – The History of Chinese Porcelain 瓷意万年

Year 5C – Welcoming the New Year with Fans and Dances 扇舞新春

Year 4A - Tea Rhythm 茶韵

Other performances focused on the discovery of Chinese History and Traditions. Each one of them was an extension of the students' Chinese Culture learning beautifully represented by the following Year Groups: 


Year 2D – The Twelve Animals of the Chinese Zodiac 十二生肖拜大年

Years 2E & 6A – The 24 Solar Terms 二十四节气

Years 2B & 3A – Traditional Chinese Games 中国传统游戏

Year 6C – Auspicious Celebration (Different Minorities)吉祥欢聚

Year 1D – Chinese Traditional Painting 中国画

Year 4C – Ancient Clothes Journey 古代服饰博物馆

Year 2A – Chinese Characters 中华汉字

Year 1A – Pandas熊猫

In celebration of the Spring Festival, some of the performances also highlighted other related aspects of this tradition in a string of topics such as:


Year 4B – Spring Flower Fair欢天喜地逛花市

Year 3D – A Taste of Chinese Food 年味儿

Year 2C – Rattles of Nursery Rhymes 拨浪鼓与童谣

Year 3C – The God of Wealth 财神

Year 1B – This is Beijing 这里是北京

Last but not least, Year 1C students performed a piece entitled “Mum, You are so Beautiful When you Smile” which highlighted another important aspect of Chinese tradition, the “Appreciation and Respect for our Parents”. 


The Temple Fair

Booths at the Temple Fair showcased activities and products associated with Chinese holidays for staff and students to enjoy. Stay tuned for the photo albums to be shared after the break. For now, enjoy some other photos from the Fair by clicking the play button below!



Whether it’s putting up spring couplets, making dumplings or visiting relatives, we hope you have a wonderful break and Spring Festival celebration with your loved ones.


[XMAS CONCERTS2019 ECE Christmas Concert Photos  | 2019 幼教部圣诞音乐会照片

[TALENT DISPLAYED] A Display of Talent at the End of Year Concerts 年终音乐会的人才展示

[SPRING FESTIVAL] Happy Spring Festival! 春节快乐!

